names Gabby Kesterson general manager for 2017-2018 kicks off a new academic calendar year with some fresh faces in top spots. Gabby Kesterson started her career with MavRadio as a freshman calling soccer games. As her knowledge of the industry grew, so did her passion for music and hosting her live weekly radio show from the Milo Bail Student Center with co-host Colt Paulsen. Stay updated with new music, more sports and news that’s happening on your campus. Welcome Gabby, and welcome UNO students!

Message from the General Manager:

This year we have a lot to show. Our sports staff has expanded significantly and they are all eager to cover as many sports games as possible. What with the Omaha Beef, CWS and the previewing sports Summit League, this summer has already been a blast for our sports crew headed by Owen Godberson.

(Photo by Jodeane Brownlee)
Our music has been consistently Top 100 for a year and the listeners seem to appreciate it! Colt Paulsen and I initiated broadcasting live from the MBSC and that increased our visibility, as well as opened the doors for future broadcasts outside of the studio. We plan to continue our show this year and get even more interviews and input from students and staff walking past our table!

We have a brand new YouTube channel where we will be posting video footage from various broadcasts and meetings. The videos so far have been grade-A, all thanks to Zechariah Blackburn and his incredible eye for entertainment. This will give us an edge in social media as everyone loves a well-made video.

You can also expect even more bands coming in for interviews with our new music director, DK Kellum. His plan is to have as many bands come to MavRadio studios for interviews and live performance in the studio twice a month. A very ambitious goal, I know, but knowing DK he will do whatever he can to make it happen.

Lastly, you can expect our brand to become reality. Our new brand name is “Power With” and that is exactly what we plan to do – together. As a team, we have put out incredible content and all on our own volunteered time. So we will continue to give our best as the best is what we want for MavRadio. We love what we do, and with passion comes pride. We strive to be the best college radio station and as some have exclaimed, we strive to become the best radio station – period. So my job is one I will not take lightly, or for granted, as I plan to work with this incredibly talented and all-deserving staff in a way that ensures we reach our goals.



Author: Jodeane Brownlee

The University of Nebraska at Omaha's student-run college radio station.