Mighty Earth has presented over a thousand signed petitions to the Tyson Headquarters last week on November 30th. Intern Chris says that everyone was more than welcome to meet with them, and the group went to Tyson headquarters in West Omaha.
“We’ve been steady collecting campaigns in coffee shops, on college campuses, just all around Omaha. Anywhere and everywhere,” Chris said.
Tyson is the biggest meat industry in the U.S. and is the #1 polluter.
“They are 1/5 of the market and yet they don’t use sustainable practices. That hurts the environment extremely,” Chris explained.
Chris spoke about how Tyson does not communicate properly with their farmers.
“A lot of the runoff from the excess manure put in the fields, a lot of the pesticides that are dumped in the fields, run off into the local waterways,” Chris said.
When this happens, the manure clogs up the water waves and nothing can grow.
“Also about a third of that is running down through México and now creating the biggest dead zone in human history in the Gulf of México. And it’s frankly terrifying because we don’t know how to deal with this,” Chris said.
Mighty Earth’s plan with this campaign is long-term but on Wednesday, December 6, they will be having an activist training at 7 p.m. If you would like to learn more, feel free to contact them on Facebook at Mighty Earth.
For MavRadio News, I’m Stephannie Zambrano.